Frontend Developer and Computer Engineering Student

Hi, I'm Ricard. Nice to meet you.

I am a Computer Engineering student with two years of experience in web design and frontend development. I am based in Barcelona and working with clients worldwide.

I have native level of Spanish and Catalan and a high level of English.

Some of the services I offer are: Design of a Website or App, Development of a Static Website, Management and Maintanance of a website and Email Marketing Templates.


I value simple content structure, clean design patterns, and thoughtful interactions.

Things I like designing

Web, Apps, Logos and Content for Social Media

Design tools

InVision Studio



Pen & Paper

Frontend Development

I love coding things from scratch and bringing ideas to life in the browser


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C++ and Java

Dev tools




Visual Studio Code


Android Studio

Sublime Text



Here you have some examples of my work


Official website for Socunbohemio.

Socunbohemio is a musical project that mixes original music with softer indie. This website includes all the important information about the artist.

Built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript


Official website for flowON.

FlowON is a german company focused on business productivity.

Built with Wordpress

Pomodoro Timer

This is a simple web app that allows the user to track blocks of 25, 15 and 5 minutes for the Pomodoro technique.

The Pomodoro technique is a time managemend tool to improve productivity. It is very simple, just divide your time in 25 minutes sessions of work and rest 5 minutes between sessions; After 4 sessions people recommend resting for 15 minutes. Just press start and focus on what matters.

Built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Simple To Do

This is a very simple tasks management web app that allows the user to create new tasks, mark them as completed and delete them; As easy as it sounds!

Built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript

App against Bullying and Mobbing

WBA School&Business is a mobile app against bullying and mobbing adressed to schools and companies. The app allows students from schools or workers from companies to send an anonymous or signed message to their institutions to report cases of bullying and mobbing.

Built with Java and XML

Email Template

This is an email template I built for an startup that needed a template to welcome new users.

An email template is a pre-defined email layout, that may already include content like images or text.

Built with HTML and CSS

Personal Website

Simple and minimal personal website.

Built with HTML and CSS

Get in touch